If you’ve been hit by a car, your injuries can range from minor bumps and bruises to major trauma. Many of these injuries can have long-term complications, especially if left untreated. Be sure to get medical care as soon as possible after a pedestrian accident.
Typical Pedestrian Accident Injuries
You may also suffer injuries that aren’t physical. It’s common to experience depression while adjusting to a permanent disability. Many victims of a car crash experience anxiety around traffic.
You can pursue compensation available for damages related to your injuries, including mental health treatment and reduced quality of life. We can help you with your personal injury claim.
When you’re injured because a driver acted irresponsibly, you can file a personal injury claim with their auto insurance provider to seek compensation for your injury-related losses.
Typical Compensation for Car Accident Victims
You’ll want to provide evidence that proves the driver’s negligence directly caused your injury. This evidence will support your personal injury claim.
Helpful Evidence for a Personal Injury Claim
Every case is different, and many factors affect your personal injury claim. Your best option is to get in touch with a trusted attorney. Here at Emery Law Office, we know how to maximize the compensation you receive.
Contact Emery Law Office today to set up your free case evaluation with us.